Dreams and restless thoughts came into his mind
Sonhos e pensamentos inquietos vieram à sua mente
his dreams flowed from the water of the river
Seus sonhos fluíam das águas do rio
his dreams sparked from the stars of the night
Seus sonhos brotaram das estrelas da noite
his dreams melted from the beams of the sun
Seus sonhos se derreteram dos raios de sol
dreams came to him, and a restlessness of the soul came to him
os sonhos vieram até ele, e uma inquietação da alma veio até ele
his soul was fuming from the sacrifices
sua alma estava fumegando dos sacrifícios
he breathed forth from the verses of the Rig-Veda
ele soprou dos versos do Rig-Veda
the verses were infused into him, drop by drop
os versos foram infundidos nele, gota a gota
the verses from the teachings of the old Brahmans
os versículos dos ensinamentos dos antigos brâmanes
Siddhartha had started to nurse discontent in himself
Sidarta começara a nutrir em si mesmo o descontentamento
he had started to feel doubt about the love of his father
ele tinha começado a sentir dúvidas sobre o amor de seu pai
he doubted the love of his mother
duvidava do amor da mãe
and he doubted the love of his friend, Govinda
e duvidava do amor de seu amigo, Govinda
he doubted if their love could bring him joy for ever and ever
duvidava que o amor deles lhe pudesse trazer alegria para todo o sempre;
their love could not nurse him
seu amor não podia amamentá-lo
their love could not feed him
seu amor não podia alimentá-lo
their love could not satisfy him
o seu amor não podia satisfazê-lo
he had started to suspect his father's teachings
ele tinha começado a suspeitar dos ensinamentos de seu pai
perhaps he had shown him everything he knew
talvez lhe tivesse mostrado tudo o que sabia