Every Family is Inspired by Love
Sometimes God gives you a family at birth, and other times, He waits until later in life. No doubt, they are all created equal. Time and again, The Shoebox Kid, is let down in his pursuit of a forever family. That all changes the day his social worker pulls up to his foster home and informs him that a family wants him to be a part of their world.
The Shoebox Kid is a touching story written by a Child Psychiatrist with over twenty-years of experience, communicating to all children, whether adopted or birthed, that they are unique and chosen. That they are loved. Overall, this is a message that all children deserve to hear.
Let this book help drive and inform the conversation about adoption and foster care with the children in your life.
Per the National Foster Youth Institute, as of 2017, More than 250,000 children are placed into the foster care system in the United States every year, and as of 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported an increase in the total number of children in the U.S. foster care system increasing from 427,400 to 437,500 children.
FROM THE AUTHOR: "Often a tough subject to approach, children in the foster care system need awareness brought to their situation to receive more support from peers, caregivers, and future loving adoptive families, alike. Awareness and support will aid them during their transitions as they move through childhood development while navigating multiple transitions along the way."--Judith L. Outten, M.D.