THE SHENANIGANS OF SILLILY: Tells of the love that existed between a unionist from West Virginia Annabelle Engeram, heiress to the Standsbury fortune who finds herself prevented from further associations with Gun-Carlo Keenez, a confederate soldier in Virginia, both of whom find themselves on opposite sides during the Civil war in 1861.
With all hopes seemingly lost, only the memories of their love that had once kept them inseparable, became the source of strength that would empower Gun-Carlo Keenez to live on through life's most miserable times, and life threatening injuries, yet hoping to reunite again one day soon with Annabelle who ignored his urgent call on what could have been his deathbed, she had since moved on in search of love elsewhere. The chameleonic love she finds forces wonderful memories of the one who loved her when she least deserved it, back to her mind, and like the flower that could not live without the sun, she realized life would be dreary without his love.
Under the guise of another person, she dated him, all the while bringing him comfort and hope.
It was during one of these covert dates that Annabelle realizes he was her best friend, her shoulder to lean on, her one and only, her everything, and the one person she knew she could count on---when he bequeaths his only piece of property to her on what he thought was his death bed.
Even though there wasn't much anyone else could have done, Annabelle prepared to fight his war for him. She rescues him from the hands of his enemies---if only to, irrespective of the divide and social limitations between them, win him back.
Although it was like a dream, she made their love reality again when replacing him with a cadaver in a hospital where he lay maimed and near death, or be maimed more for life following surgery, Annabelle stole him from the enemy camp, and brought him home to White Sulphur Springs where the story of their that began a while ago, began again.