Shelby, Miles, and Ford: The Triumphs and Tragedies" is a factual book that delves into the lives and careers of Carroll Shelby, Ken Miles, and their collaboration with Ford Motor Company. The book explores Shelby's early life and career before his involvement with Ford, shedding light on his childhood, early influences, racing career, and automotive ventures. It also examines Shelby's reputation and expertise in the industry, setting the stage for his collaboration with Ford.
The book then delves into Shelby's collaboration with Ford and his pivotal role in the development of the GT40. It explores Ford's need for a competitive race car, Shelby's initial involvement with the company, and the birth of the GT40 project. The chapter also highlights Shelby's crucial contributions to the GT40's development, showcasing his expertise and technical prowess.
Another significant aspect of the book is the professional relationship between Shelby and Miles at Ford. It explores their introduction and early collaboration, Miles' technical expertise and contributions, and the dynamic between the two. The chapter also delves into Miles' impact on Ford's racing program, particularly his role in the 1966 Le Mans victory.
The book also delves into the tragic events surrounding Miles' death and its impact on Shelby and Ford's racing program. It explores the emotional toll on Shelby and the team, the loss of Miles' technical expertise, and the subsequent changes in Ford's racing program. Additionally, the book provides insights into Ford's racing history before Shelby and Miles, the development and performance of the GT40 at Le Mans, the challenges faced by Shelby and Miles during the GT40 development, and the intense rivalry between Ford and Ferrari during the 1960s.
Furthermore, the book explores the lasting legacy of Shelby and Miles in the automotive industry. It examines their influence on racing technology, the enduring popularity of their cars, and their impact on American automotive culture. The book also delves into the recognition and honors received by Shelby and Miles, as well as the continuation of Ford's racing program after their departure. Lastly, it provides a modern perspective on Shelby, Miles, and their work at Ford, reevaluating their contributions and highlighting their enduring legacy.