Enjoying God's protection while safely tucked under His wings can cause one to wonder if he needs to take steps to protect himself. Do I need to carry a sword for protection when there are angels in charge of me? Do I need to lock my door with angels camped outside in my yard?
Such things I do ponder in my heart. I read in the book of Proverbs that a wise man perceives the times and dangers approaching and prepares his household-the fool perishes (Proverbs 22:3). Some say one must live entirely by faith and preparing for a disaster is not living by faith. I wonder, yes, the Lord protected Noah and his family during the great flood, but Noah had to build a boat with his own two hands. The Lord fed a multitude of people with twelve fish, but someone had to catch the fish. He turned water into wine, but someone had to fill the barrel with water from the well.
When Satan entered heaven and boldly walked into God's court, the Lord asked him, "Where have you been?"
Satan replied, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it, to see whom I could devour!" (Job 2:2). We should know that evil can walk right up to us at any given moment, and our sword needs to be ready. If evil can freely and boldly walk into God's court in heaven when he chooses, how much easier for him to walk into our homes, our children's school, our church, or stand over our bed looking at us while we sleep.
King David knew the Lord was watching over him, but he still carried a sword to defend against any evil that may come suddenly upon him, and the Lord Jesus told his disciples that if they did not have a sword, they should go immediately and sell their garments and buy one (Luke 22.36). Indicating it was far better to walk down the street naked than walk down the street unarmed. It is the individual's responsibility to protect himself, family, and community when evil approaches. Come, explore this wonderful journey with me.