Many great minds have aired their opinions on the age-old debate about the relationship between science and the written Word of God. For those who sit on extreme sides of the fence, there is no middle ground. Contrary to these extremes, my career as a biological scientist and my faith as a Bible-believing Christian mean that I have the privilege of seeing things from both sides of the fence. I find more often than not that scientific data complements the written Word of God. Blood from a scientific and scriptural perspective, is one such example.
Blood from a Scientific Perspective: Science has unravelled many functions of blood that are vital for mankind's natural life. We now understand why blood dyscrasias and disrupted blood flow to cells and tissues in the body, have health consequences that range from minor ailments to major organ damage, and even death within minutes...
Blood from a Scriptural Perspective: Blood is just as important for our spiritual life. Long before the age of science, the God of the Bible ensured that all, who draw near to Him, are aware that it is the life of the flesh, sacred and precious in His sight. He also made it clear that sacrificial blood is an absolute necessity for approaching Him. Otherwise sinful mankind will perish in the holy atmosphere of His presence. Moreover, the uncompromising nature of Gods holiness is such that not just any blood will do. Certain divine stipulations must be adhered to, for the blood to be spiritually effective. When these stipulations were met with sacrificial animal blood in the old covenant, mankind enjoyed the privilege of a close relationship with God, on a temporary basis. Jesus, who was not exempt from these divine stipulations, satisfied every requirement as the ultimate substitute blood sacrifice for mankind. We gain an even deeper insight into how this was possible, through our understanding of human biology. Mankind has continued to enjoy the privilege of a close relationship with God, through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ. We not only get to enjoy all the benefits in the old covenant, but also many other blessings that no other blood sacrifice to the holy God of the Bible can ever match...
Blood from a Scientific and Scriptural Perspective: Together, both perspectives underscore the ingenuity of God concerning blood from the time it flowed in Adam, as a vital necessity for mankind's natural life, to the time it flowed out of Jesus Christ, as an absolute necessity for mankind's spiritual life. The preparation work of Jesus' sacrificial blood is also crucial for the new covenant work of the Holy Spirit, which includes demonstrating the power and reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must begin to focus on the blood of Jesus, to get it flowing freely through His Body- the Church. As it flows, it will bring nourishment, healing, and restoration to every area. It will also prepare the Body of Christ for an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit. That is, the end-time revival waiting to happen.
This book is an eye-opener to: Why blood is so important to the holy God of the Bible. Why the shed blood of Jesus Christ is supreme in nature. The many divine favours we are privileged to, because of Jesus' sacrificial blood. The legal reason why dark powers must honour the shed blood of Jesus Christ. How crucial the shed blood of Jesus Christ is, in these end-times. How vital the shed blood of Jesus is for the new covenant work of the Holy Spirit.