Being in a long-term relationship is the dream for most of us. But what if that dream, once it becomes reality, goes a little... stale? Do you sometimes lie in bed, thinking about the passionate beginnings of your relationship?
Does your love life seem to have hit a point where it's no longer exciting?
Have you caught yourself arguing with your partner about every little thing?
If yes - don't worry. It's perfectly normal for long-term couples to hit a couple of snags along the way. Being with the person you love for a long time comes with a cost, though. In the United States, a couple gets divorced approximately every 36 seconds. That's nearly 2,400 divorces per day, and as much as 876,000 divorces a year. An average length of marriage that ends in divorce is just 8 years!
Can you avoid being in this pool? You sure can - Maria Handley and Peter O'Brien have created a guided tour through the most common hardships long-term relations face, from communication issues to boring sex life. And they come equipped with solutions, as well. This miraculous compendium will help you and your partner get closer and more satisfied than ever.
Don't take things for granted - your relationship can still be in full bloom after many years. And don't worry if it seems tough now. Just remember that some parts of a relationship are normal, you just need to know the right way to deal with it to move on to blissful life.
In "Sex Routine", you will discover:
- How browsing this special shop with your partner can help you - even with an empty cart
- If arguing within a couple is helpful or damaging
- How to make sure your needs are heard
- How to have a second honeymoon experience in just one weekend without spending a fortune
- The one thing that should always come first
- Why watching porn may be the answer - and why, in most cases, it's definitely not
- How to awaken the anticipation and excitement over sex
- How to become best friends with your partner
And much more.
Just like with plants or pets, good and lasting relationship needs proper nurturing - and some surprisingly uncommon knowledge. It's true that it requires work - but that pearl is worth diving for, isn't it? Most of us want to be happy, to love and to be loved. And you can achieve that - and get the most out of your lives together (yes, sex lives too!).
You may think it won't happen to you - but are you prepared to take the chance? Even if your relationship seems happy as ever, it's always a good idea to equip yourselves with the best tools to keep it that way. Who knows - perhaps you will discover something surprising along the way, and become even happier together?
Let both of you be the happiest you can be! Don't let the passion die out - just click "Add to cart" and find out how best to kindle it.