If you are looking for an effective way for improving your sexual life, then keep reading...
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Sex for the Couples and Sex Positions
The evolution of sex since the beginning of our life thousands of years ago, sex has always been a crucial part of our relationship and experiences with pleasure, in addition to being an important contributor to our romantic needs. It is also the most practical method by which we usually bring forward future generations of our kind. The way, techniques and concepts regulating sexual contact between the human race, however, have changed significantly over those thousands of years, and beyond our earlier comprehension. For instance, as recently as in the 1940s, it would have been offensive for a girl to publicly flirt a bikini or jean that reveals her butt's crease-line or even to wear a blouse that exposes much of her cleavage in public.
Today, seeing a girl walking down the street displaying her thong panties above her hip line or revealing her butt's crease-line just above offset pants is no unusual sight.
Similarly, it would have been humiliating a few decades ago to discuss one's sexual preferences openly or even to show one's pleasure in oral or anal sex.
Each man and woman today treat oral, anal and other forms of sex as a natural item and appropriate for their mutual pleasure.
Additionally, sexual positions and role handling in bed is also a must, as nowadays it is said to be effective in helping to give both partners the gratification needed that can lead to an orgasm or some form of sexual climax that satisfies each other.
This book covers the following topics:
- The techniques of tantra massage for beginners
- How to talk dirty in an erotic way
- Getting in the mood
- Rules of the game
- Sexual fantasies
- The importance of foreplay
- Ways to make you last longer in bed
- Why there's need for sex and the use of different sex positions in a relationship
- Tantra
- Kamasutra
- Sex Games
- Advice for Beginners
- Sex Positions for Beginners
- How to Discover Your Sexual Fantasies and Fetishes
- Have Fun and Play Dirty
- Spice up Your Locations
- Beyond the Bedroom
...And much more
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