This Complete Apocalyptic Novel Series (Books 1-7) begins when ragtag survivors of an alien invasion try to save humanity from the Book of Revelation's seven seals. Tag along with the gang as they fight their way through the apocalypse while facing zombies, aliens, and a few strange creatures.
Suspenseful and optimistic, this apocalyptic series follows ordinary people as they try to carry out the impossible task of saving mankind.
(Book 1) Sarah Van Dam is a divorced mom with two teenage sons, Willis and Georgie. Dealing with her abusive ex-husband is nothing when compared to the return of the seven seals from the Book of Revelation. The first seal, White Horse, brings an alien invasion and a false messiah. Earth's environment is altered, a zombie plague is unleashed, and a hybrid species is created by breeding with the uninfected. A small portion of the population is immune to the spores' infection; this includes Sarah, her sons and Jack, a man she releases from jail. With the help of scientists Professor Dillon and Max, Father Mitch, a small militia group and a couple pet dogs, these ragtag survivors fight the aliens and attempt to save the planet from the seven judgments.
(Book 2) Ragtag survivors of the first seal (White Horse) successfully rid Earth of the aliens. Staying clear of nuclear power plant meltdowns seemed to be the worst thing they would have to deal with, aside from an occasional zombie. That was, until the second seal (Red Horse) was opened and civil unrest began. Zombie cocoons hatched into mutants, children became gunmen, and animals turned violent, even one of their own people began changing into a zombie. When they finally reached the prepper compound where they thought they would find safety, they found something unexpected, instead.
(Book 3) Sarah, Jack, Max, Willis, Georgie, Miss Foo, Father Mitch, and prepper Randy are captured by the half-breeds and are to be fed to the alien bioship. While onboard the spaceship, they end up inside Mars where dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Era roam and creatures are jailed.
(Book 4) Our ragtag characters must endure the opening of the fourth seal and the violence, famine, pestilence, and beasts that it brings. The zombies have returned, the alien moss has morphed into something more destructive, and The Community has begun taking the tainted biological warfare vaccine again. Will they be able to escape from Death and the aliens? Or will they finally reach their breaking point and be fed to the bioship? Find out by tagging along with the gang in this lighthearted and upbeat story.
(Book 5) Forced off Earth because of an alien invasion, our haggard crew must find a new home. While Infinity One is designed for deep space flight, it is virtually untested as it sets out on its maiden voyage into the solar system.
(Book 6) Close to perishing, the battered crew of Infinity One must risk their lives--and sacrifice one--to assure that human life continues on.
(Book 7) The depleted crew have made many sacrifices as they fought their way through the Book of Revelation's first six seals. Now with the last seal hanging over their heads, will they finally meet their match in these last days? Find out in this final book of the Seven Seals Redux series.