About the Book
This work compares the rites of many sects in regard to the administration of the Sacraments including, but not limited to the Anglicans, the Baptists, the Catholics, the Congregationalists, the Copts, the Episcopalians, the Greeks, the Jacobites, the Lutherans, the Maronites, the Methodists, the Nestorians, the Presbyterians, the Protestants and the Syrians. During Christ's life upon this earth he instituted these sacraments as so many holy ordinances of salvation, by wllich his redemption is applied to each member of the Christian Church. Christ, then, is the only Redeemer, and he made these sacraments, and appointed these holy rites, as the seven golden gates of heaven, through which each must pass to that abode of endless bliss. From the very days of the Apostles these seven sacraments were believed and received by the whole people and clergy. Afterwards political disturbances, wars, local discords, the pride and ambition of designing men, tore asunder and dirided the one holy Church of Christ, into different sects, creeds, Churches. When the Catholic Church, the Bride of the Lamb, was thus rent asunder, those religions denominations which C.'l.me forth from her-the Mother of all Churches-those sects and religious denominations of the East and of the West, both Orientnls am1 Protestants, still clung to these sacraments, or kept the form, at least, of these holy ordinances. Thus baptism is still found among all Christians; Confirmation is seen in every Church of the East, and its shadow among the Episcopalians. The Eucharist is devoutly recited in the East, and its figure and type is the Communion services of the Protestant Churches. All have either penance or some kind of repentance for sin. They anoint the sick or pray at the bedside of the dying. By the imposition-of hands the clergy of every Christian Church is ordained. The marriage ceremony is found in every nation of the earth. These holy ordinances, instituted by Christ, which are only seen whole and entire in the Catholic Church, are pro"ed to be of divine origin, not only by the doctrines of that great Church, but also by the customs and ceremonies of the sects and denominations which came forth from her fruitful bosom, during the various ages which elapsed since the time of Christ. These separated Churches, especially those of the East, so old and venerable, show, in a striking way, the belief of the early Church. From the earliest times, although having different rites, customs, and disciplines, from those of the Catholic Church, still they ha"e always held the same doctrine and belief relating to the seven sacraments. Various Christians have been trying to conform to what they believe to have been the doctrines and customs of the early Church. In the following pages much light relating to the sacraments will be thrown on this epoch. The writer will quote numberless texts from the Fathers and writers following the days of the Apostles. We arc trying to follow the doctrines of Christ and his teachings, delivered by word of month. The Apostles and disciples taught the Christians of the first ages, and their doctrines were written down by the great Fathers and Christian writers of the times following the Apostles. The writings of the early Fathers thus given the key to the teachings of Christ, and the meaning of the Bible. The reader will find in the following pages complete and exhaustive treatises relating to the important matters of which the work treats. The author found great difficulty in condensing so as not to make the work too large or technical for the laity. But we are under the impression that the simple, easy style in which it is written, will make it interesting as well as valuable reading.