Seven At The Sevens will take you on a literary journey and brief history of Boston's literary scene and inform you on some legendary writers through the lens of a contemporary writers group, located in Boston, Massachusetts. The book is also a collection of seven-word stories, memoirs and poems inspired by Ernest Hemingway and the Good Grey Ghost, Walt Whitman. Further, this book is a collection of essays on creative writing. Seven At The Sevens will inspire you! This hardcover color edition also includes many beautiful and poignant illustrations, most of which are in vibrant color.
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Many of Seven At The Sevens best descriptions are not by us. They are from others. So be sure to read the Review Section. is an extremely diverse writers group. Graduates from Harvard University, Northeastern, MIT, Oxford, Princeton, Stanford, UC Berkeley and others have contributed to this book. Among the contributors is a senior Harvard executive, a senior software engineer, a classically trained musician, a securities trader, an entrepreneur, a psychologist, a social worker, a scientist for Harvard Medical School, and a world-renowned biomedical researcher from Cornell who has focused the past 30 years of his life on studying Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. However, together as members of, they created Seven At The Sevens, which is currently available in paperback on Amazon (2011), as an ebook on Kindle (2012), and as an audiobook (2013), and now as a hardcover color edition with many beautiful and poignant illustrations in vibrant color (2017).