For over 6,000 years of conclusive Scriptural History, many have confirmed the validity to Man's existence. From his beginnings to his fall from Paradise, Man's seemingly never-ending journey through the desert of the known world of struggle and tribulation, echoed with a distant voice of hope to one day return to this place of Paradise. Man's place of standing was no longer side by side with the Voice, who once walked with him in the cool of the Day, but a needed bridge and threshold, which demanded a Divine protocol of interchange by way of an Altar. Throughout the pages of Scripture, Altars have always been the lawful bridge and platform, by which physical man encounters the unseen Elohim, commonly known as God!
Shrouded beneath the Mysteries of the Created Past, lay an enigma and revelation, which all Creation is bound together by. There have been many Scriptural discussions, as well as entire doctrinal dialogues, regarding the depths and language of Genesis' Creation account. With all it entails, it has become an in-exhaustive discovery on Man's attempt to no avail. The Scriptures began with a connection and concludes with a connection. The Authority cloaked in this correspondence was and is The Altar Throne of Dominion!
Author John-James of the House of Flores.(R) has been given a riveting revelation, regarding the first 7 Hebrew words of our Scriptures. Over 25 years of full-time ministry, the Author was taken on a journey, which culminated to the manifestation of this Book. From this approach, the Author will bring clarity and insight to many hidden things that seem to be shrouded behind the Hebrew language of the text. The Author challenges the reader to let all religious guardrails down, allowing the Spirit of The Most-High YHWH Elohim Himself, to enlarge the Kingdom within you, by way of the revelations of these 7 Altar Thrones and Kings of Genesis 1:1. You won't be unsatisfied with what is about to happen in your life!
Inside the pages of The Seven Altar Thrones of Genesis 1:1 you will discover:
- The Eternal realms before man and Lucifer's fall.
- Everlasting Life vs. Eternal Life.
- The High Priest-King of Genesis 1:1.
- The Power of New Beginnings revealed from the Everlasting Ephod.
- The Altar Thrones, which all Creation originates.
- The Reason why Yahshua, aka Jesus, used parable language to reveal The Kingdom of Heaven.
- Yahshua who manifested The Kingdom by what He did.
- Every Creative Miracle Yahshua did was the manifestation of one of the 7 Altar Thrones here on Earth.
- Why is Yahshua called 'The last Adam?'
- The Leaven of the Kingdom Altars.
- Yahshua is the 'Adomeh/Likeness and Resemblance' which each Altar Throne made entrance.
- Demons are subject to the Power of The Altar King.
- The power of words spoken from the Altar become tangible when, we become the Altar of Prayer.
And so much more...