Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 8e, is a globally renowned textbook for services marketing. This book takes a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. Incorporating the latest academic research, industry trends and technology, social media and case examples, the present edition is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view of the subject. Features a) The nature of the modern service economy, B2B services, outsourcing and offshoring are covered in Chapter 1. The Service-Profit Chain, featured in Chapter 15 in the previous editions, has been moved here to serve as a guiding framework for the book. b) Chapter 7 is now tightly organized around the 5 Ws model, a new section on the services marketing communications funnel has been added and the coverage of new media (including social media, mobile apps and QR codes) is significantly expanded. c) Chapter 8 has a new section on emotion prints and covers service blueprinting in more detail. d) Chapter 11 has new sections on a service-oriented culture, how to build a climate for service, effective leadership in service organization and leadership styles. e) This book presents a global perspective, with examples carefully selected from America, Europe, and Asia; for example, insurers eyeing an untapped Indian customer base after demonetization, Instagram adding 100m users in four months, Ola criticizing Uber over predatory pricing in India, mobile upstarts (like Reliance Jio) innovating faster than oligopolies, reasons for the growth of flower subscription services, etc. Table of Contents Part I: Understanding Service Products, Consumers and Markets 1. Creating Value in the Service Economy 2. Understanding Service Consumers 3. Positioning Services in Competitive Markets Part II: Applying the 4 Ps of Marketing to Services 4. Developing Service Products and Brands 5. Distributing Services Through Physical and Electronic Channels 6. Service Pricing and Revenue Management 7. Service Marketing Communications Part III: Managing the Customer Interface 8. Designing Service Processes 9. Balancing Demand and Capacity 10. Crafting the Service Environment 11. Managing People for Service Advantage Part IV: Developing Customer Relationships 12. Managing Relationships and Building Loyalty 13. Complaint Handling and Service Recovery Part V: Striving for Service Excellence 14. Improving Service Quality and Productivity 15. Building a World-Class Service Organization Part VI: Case Studies About the Author
Jochen Wirtz is Professor of Marketing at the National University of Singapore (NUS), an international fellow of the Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden and academic scholar at the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures (CIHF) at Corn