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The publisher of this book utilises modern printing technologies as well as photocopying processes for reprinting and preserving rare works of literature that are out-of-print or on the verge of becoming lost. This book is one such reprint.
CONTENTS THE SECOND VOLUME, SEItMON XXX. TRlNlTY SUNDAY. Morning. From tllc Scconcl Lesson, in the Evening Service, for the 1st of February, the 30th of hlay, and the 28th of Septcmber. 1 Con. xiii. 12. rdaB Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to ce now 1 know in part, but then shall I know even as I am known. I SERMON XXXI. TRINITY SUNDAY. Evening. From the Gospel for the Day. ST. JOHN, iii. 1, 2. There was a man of the Fllarisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews the same came to Jesus by night. - 12 A 2 CONTENTS. SERMON XXXII. PIRST SUKDAY AFTER TRINLTY. From the Gospel for thc Day. ST. LUKE x, v i. 22. PAI78 Thc Beggar died, and was carried by thc angels into Abrahams bosom. - - 27 SERMON XXXITT. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TIIINITY. From tlte Second Lesson, in the Morning Service, for the 2d of hfarch, the 1st of July, and thc 27th of October. ST. LUKE x, i ji. 9. And if it bcnr fruit, well ancl if not, then, after that, thou shalt cut it down. - - 41 SERMON XXXIV. THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. From thc Epistle for t, he day. 1 St. PETER v, . 8, 9. BC sobcr bc vigilant Becausc your adversary, tlte Devil, as a roaring lion, wallet11 about, seeking w11om he may dcvour cllomre sist, stedfast in the faith knowing that the same aflictions are accomplished in your bretllren tltat are in the world. - 53 CONTENTS. SERMON XYXV. FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. From the First Lesson, -Morning Service. J 1 SAMUEL, xii. 17. FAaR 1s it not wheat harvest to-day I will call upon the LORD, and Hc shall send thunder and rain that yc may perceive and see that your wickedncss is great which ye have done in tllc sight of thc LORD. - 65 SERMON XXSVI. FlfiTFI SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. From the SecondLesson, in the Morning Service, for the 27th of February, the 27th of June, and tllc th of October. J ST. LUKE, X. 42. But one thing is nccdful. H1 SERMON XXXVII. SJXTII SUNDAY ABlER TRLNITY. From the First Lesson, - Morning Service. And David said unto Nathan, 1 have sinned against the LORD. And Nathm said unto David, the Lonu also hath put away thy sin. - - 93 A S CONTENTS. SERMON XXSVIIJ. GIXTII SUNDAY APTER TRIKITY. From the Sccond Lesson, in thc 3fornitlg Service, for the 5th of March, the 4th of July, and the 30th of October. ST. LUKE, X V . 2. 1.11 G R Give an account of thy stewardship for thou mayest be no longcr steward. .. - 109 SEVENTII SUNDAY AFTEIt TltlXJTY. From tlic Epistlc for the day. ROM. vi. 13. he wages of sin is death but the gift of GOD i s eternal life, through . JESUS CHRIST OUR Lonu. - 119 SEllRlON XL. From the First Lcsson, - Morning Service. And the king answered and said unto the man of God, Entrcat now thc face of the LORD thy God, and pray for me, tbal my land may be restored me again. 129 CONTENTS. SERMON XLZ. NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. From the First Lesson, - Morning Service. KINGS, xviii. 17, 18. PhGX And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he, that troubleth Israel And he answered, I have not trotibled Israel but thou, and thy fathers house, in that ye have forsaken the commandnlents of tlic LORD, and thou hast followed Uaalim. - - 141 SEKMON XLII. TENTH SUNDAY APIIIR TRINITY. Prom the First Lesson, -Morning Service. 1 KINGS, xxi. 25. But there was none like u lto Abab, which dicl scll himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, rvhom Jczebel his wife stirred up. - 1.55 SERMON XLIET. ELEVENTII SUNDAYAPTER TIIIXITY. From die First Lesson, - blorning Service. 2 KIKGS, V. 26...