September's Balloon is a novel written in first person and told through the eyes of Susan Nolan, the thirty-five year old narrator. Susan is afflicted with anxiety and panic, and struggles with her recently closed company, loss of financial independence and a stale and isolating marriage.
A childhood loss taunts her additionally, and with no emotional support from her husband or from her wealthy and disconnected family, she spirals into depression. She is the mother of her six-year-old daughter named September, who sends a message to God, by balloon, driven by her innate and child-like faith.
September's parents, Susan and Matt Nolan are at first amused and delighted with their daughter's idea of sending her rainbow drawing to God as a thank you for the rainbows he's given to her, until their small town, several weeks later, witness a rainbow of phenomenal proportions and contemplate they've witnessed a miracle.
As the story progresses, so do the balloons as one becomes larger when Susan, having an unbearable fear of heights, schedules a hot air balloon ride for her daughter's birthday.
This is a fiction novel, however, Susan's emotional disease is a constant current throughout the story and the symptoms and experiences deriving from her illness told accurately and honestly from her viewpoint.
The story's interesting momentum throughout will grasp the reader's attention. Sadness, humor, conflict, and unexplainable occurrences from September's wonderment and faithful belief for answers spawns hope and encourage change for her parent's Susan and Matt.
About the Author
Kathy Flanary Nelson was born at Camp Lejeune, NC and later relocated with her young military family to attend first grade in Alexandria, Virginia. Shortly after, they moved back to North Carolina where she has lived most of her life.
She found she loved creative writing the day her boss asked her to write an employment recommendation for an employee she hardly knew. She completed the project that night and turned it into her boss the next day who astonishingly praised her writing skills. It also landed a company employee a promotion, but no raises for herself as she recalls.