About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Semitic Inscriptions From the Publisher Chapters: Akkadian Inscriptions, Arabic Inscriptions, Aramaic Inscriptions, Hebrew Inscriptions, Moabite Inscriptions, Phoenician Inscriptions, Semitologists, Code of Hammurabi, Moses Schorr, Cyrus Cylinder, Eshmun Temple, James Ossuary, Andrey Korotayev, Cylinder of Nabonidus, Mesha Stele, Tel Dan Stele, Laurence A. Rickels, Jehoash Inscription, Wolf Leslau, Pyrgi Tablets, Babylonian Chronicles, Michael S. Heiser, Mesad Hashavyahu, Siloam Inscription, Ostraca House, Letoon Trilingual, Hans Jakob Polotsky, Nebo-Sarsekim Tablet, Eshmunazar, Franz Rosenthal, Yehud Coinage, Marcel Cohen, Giorgi Tsereteli, Samir Khalil Samir, Sefire, Beit Alfa Synagogue, Richard Pankhurst, First Jewish Revolt Coinage, Rylands Papyri, Bar Kochba Revolt Coinage, Tikunani Prism, Karatepe, Nora Stone, Gotthelf Bergsträsser, Kilamuwa Stela, Lionel Bender, Çineköy Inscription, Tell Zeitah, Gezer Calendar, Deir Alla Inscription, Stanislav Segert, Edward Ullendorff, Hartmut Stegemann, Stefan Strelcyn, El-Kerak Inscription, Robert Hetzron, André Dupont-Sommer, Stele of Zakkur, Dura-Europos Inscriptions, Pre-Islamic Arabic Inscriptions. Excerpt: Moses Schorr, Polish: Mojesz Schorr (May 10, 1874 July 8, 1941) was a Rabbi, Polish historian, politician, Bible scholar, assyriologist and orientalist. Schorr was one of the top experts in the scientific life of Galician and Polish Jewry. He was also the first Jewish researcher of Polish archives, historical sources and pinkasim, a noted Assyriologist, the president of the 13th district Bnai Brith Poland, a humanist and reform rabbi who ministered the central synagogue of Poland during its last years before the Nazi annihilation. The range of Moses Schorr's interdisciplinary scholarship is astonishing. Schorr was the first historian who ... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=10261403 Synopsis Chapters: Akkadian Inscriptions, Arabic Inscriptions,