Do you often wonder why some people are blindingly successful?Do you ever wonder how they got there?Do you want to find more ways to take control of your daily tasks?
The answer to the questions above is self-discipline.
The reason why some people have a hold on life better than the rest of us is because of habitual behaviors that sabotage even the best of intentions.
If you feel like your life is spiraling out of control and you have no way of grasping it in your hand, or you feel like the hours are too short, and you can't seem to focus, then it is time for you to do something about it. This is the time for you to take control of your life and become that highly disciplined person you've always wanted to be.
Self-discipline is the defining characteristic of success and failure.
To be disciplined means that you are the master of the most valuable asset you own, your time.
- With this book, we first look into what self-discipline is and also the benefits of self-discipline. Knowing this, we then move into creating commitments for change, our personal mission as well as uncovering our Why.
- From then on, this book will also help you in creating the right environment from success, from the people you hang out and surround yourself with, as well as with your work and living spaces.
- We have also included a 21-day journey towards self-discipline, so you have a daily target to meet each day!
When you complete your 21-day journey, you will see how sticking to your routines, good habits, and planning your goals and tasks can take you from mediocre to awesome! It is all about making small tweaks to clean up your routine, clean up your habits, and also avoiding the pitfalls that could happen in your journey.
Here is your moment to unlock the best you can be for the year to come!
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