Chapter 1: Introduction(a) Reconfigurable hardware based embedded systems
(b) Importance of Real Time Scheduling for such embedded architectures
(c) Importance of Self Aware Security for such architectures
Chapter 2: Background
(a) Scheduling for embedded real time tasks and limitations of existing techniques
(b) Security related to hardware attacks and limitations of existing techniques
Chapter 3: A novel real-time scheduling for FPGAs having slotted area model
This chapter presents deadline-partition oriented scheduling methodologiesfor periodic hard real-time dynamic task sets on fully and partiallyreconfigurable FPGAs in which the floor of the FPGA is assumed to be statically equi-partitioned into a set of homogeneous tiles such that anyarbitrary task of the given task set may be feasibly mapped into the areaof a given tile.
Chapter 4: A novel real-time scheduling for FPGAs having flexible area model
This chapter presents scheduling methodologies for periodic dependent hard real-time dynamic task sets on fully and partially reconfigurable FPGAs in which the floor of the FPGA follows flexible area model such that any task can be placed anywhere within the floor area. This will work will attempt to solve both the temporal and spatial aspects of the scheduling.
Chapter 5: Denial of Service Attacks for Real Time Scheduling and Related Mitigation Techniques
This chapter presents threat analysis associated with denial of service attacks due to delay inducing hardware trojans in embedded architectures for the scheduling strategies presenteed in Chapter 3 and 4. A self aware security module is also presented that detects and mitigates the threat.
Chapter 6: Erroneous Result Generation Attack for Real Time Scheduling and Related Mitigation Technique
This chapter presents threat analysis associated with generation of erroneous results that may jeopardize the real time task schedules presented in Chapter 3 and 4. Related detection and mitigation techniques are presented alongwith. In addition to this, it is also described how related modifications of the self aware security module can ensure security for the present scenario.Chapter 7: Conclusion
In this book, we present the importance of real time scheduling for reconfigurable hardware based embedded platforms and related security needs. We present limitations of existing techniques and present some new real time scheduling techniques suitable for the embedded platform. We also focus on how denial of service and erroneous result generation may take place on the real time schedules due to vulnerability of hardware. Related detection and mitigation techniques are discussed, along with description of a self aware module that facilitates detection and mitigation from such threats.