Buck a descendant of an Oriental Monk known as Shadow Stalker, and his Cree ancestor Spirit Bear the last skinwalker; finds in his youth a relic hidden centuries ago.
A vision at his naming ceremony confirms, once his training as a Shaman ends, he must leave his ancestral mountains to become Shadow Hunter.
Why, is Hunter the only one who sees the shadows rising out of Mother Earth; are their others who can?
The shades appeared harmless, until they find a host. The Shaman would then become the hunter; with help from the Dragon Medallion, he exorcises the shadows.
Shadow Hunter roamed aimlessly searching for the truth; until, he met her. The Shaman feels a magnetic pull that he knew he should resist, especially when his cloak of illusion warned him. Were the shades the real danger or was it an illusion to draw him to her, is she the actual threat...
Love blossoms once they band together to stop the Nephilim; half angels bound eons ago. Now released from their ancient prison hidden in the mist at Snowdonia in Wales, they hunt magic users and Seekers ruthlessly.
As death stalks them, Shadow Hunter gives into his deepest desire; his love for the Priestess of Mother Earth would be tested again and again... until one remained!
An ancient curse, hidden in the dragon medallion burns deep into the Shaman; the Nephilim abandons their search for Seekers... now they must kill the Hunter!
Can the Priestesses of Mother Earth keep Shadow Hunter alive until the seeds of destruction are released; or will the world be doomed, as the end of Mother Earth draws closer...