In a world where botanical beings with unique powers hide their young amidst unknowing humans, two high schoolers find themselves at the center of a never-ending war that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.
With spies and assassins lurking around every corner, Mel and Rachel are forced to play a dangerous game of secret identities and questionable alliances to protect themselves and the ones they love.
As the war intensifies, they must navigate a web of lies, propaganda, and betrayal, all the while searching for lost secrets that could end the bloodshed.
With its heartwarming blend of family, friendship, and romance, this young adult fantasy trilogy will take you on a thrilling journey through the modern human world and an alternate realm of botanical wonders.
This Omnibus includes all three books in the Seeder Wars Trilogy:
Book 1-Seeder Shadow Wars
Book 2-Trouble in the Green Lands
Book 3-Unitas: Trio
Bonus scenes also included:
Story 1.5-The Return & Question
Story 2.5-Kaylah's Chronicles
Featuring illustrations, specialty page edges, and annotations by the author. The hardback is printed in full color. The paperback has duplex covers with colored art.
PLEASE NOTE: This book is printed with an internal border that bleeds onto the edge of the page, leaving a design. If your book does not print all of the borders or has other quality issues, please let the bookstore know. These are print-on-demand, and the author has no control over the quality of each individual print.