You need to organize your finances, pay down debt, start investing and plan for retirement but traditional books on these topics are dull and confusing. This one will keep you alert and on your toes with easy tips, tricks and strategies from someone who has gotten extremely close to the source.
This simple step-by-step guide to organizing your finances will teach you:
-How to think yourself rich by adjusting your mindset for greater financial success.
-That it's your financial habits that predict your success, not how much you earn.
-How to optimize your debts to start saving on interest today.
-How to budget while clinging onto the luxuries that matter most to you.
-How to start investing your money to make it grow faster.
-How to hack your credit score.
-How to set up the financial essentials (safety net, savings account, retirement and investment accounts, insurance, estate plan).
-And how to choose a financial advisor without Tinder.
If you are looking for a simple personal finance book for women and men that lays out everything you need to know, then look no further. You will be amazed how easy it is to learn the psychology behind wealth building and to create a successful money mindset that works for you.
Financial Planning is much more interesting when your advisor is naked but if you would rather yours kept their clothes on then this is the book for you!
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