Acclaimed Willow Falls series inaugural novel delivers inspirational, emotional story of a small town's struggle to survive. 2020 Selah Award WinnerThree Strangers...
Emily Hayes, an aspiring novelist, desperate to transform her dying hometown into a tourist destination. Rachel Streetman, raised in Atlanta, relegates her acting dream to secret performances for imaginary audiences to live the life her father chose. Sadie Liles grapples to find a new normal after serving a thirty-year prison sentence for killing the town hero.
Drawn together...
By tragedy, a long-held secret, and one man's mission to plant a vineyard.
To experience...
The power of forgiveness, sacrifice, and redemption as Emily, Rachel, Sadie, and Willow Falls' quirky, opinionated residents are forced to face the past and accept the truth.
A shocking, heart-warming conclusion...
That leaves readers yearning to stay connected with characters who have become friends in a town that captures their imagination.
Praise for The Secret of Willow Inn
The Secret of Willow Inn ... captivated me from the first page and held me rapt far into the night until I finished it. I couldn't put it down! A story of longing, heart wrenching sorrow, forgiveness, and restoration, all set in a small town you will love. - Ane Mulligan, bestselling author of Chapel Springs series and In High Cotton
Pat Nichols' debut will appeal to fans who love cozy mysteries wrapped in small-town quirkiness and accented by big-city lights. A sweet, funny read for anyone who has ever dared to dream a crazy dream. - Lindsay Brackett, author of Still Waters, 2018 Selah book of the year