It is an ordinary Saturday afternoon, and Ronny and I are playing with the idea of writing a book with SOL. We are both very excited about the idea of working with her on this book to share our journey and her teachings.
We first want to see what SOL has to say about writing a book. Ronny is getting into her special meditation and "calls" on SOL to communicate with us. SOL is channeled through writing and speech. As the messages are received, Ronny types them up simultaneously. It looks very natural for an onlooker--a woman typing on her computer. I guess that this looks so natural to a rational person like myself that I can accept this form of communication with SOL.
The idea is to write a book about our experiences of enlightenment through our sessions together. We believe that a book like this would help to remind people that they already have the ability to be enlightened, and that these sessions will help them recover this "recalled memory."
SOL suggested that we start by explaining how she first entered our dimension and in particular, how Ronny becamethe vessel through which to be channeled. Ronny reads her little prayer, which is a request to be a positive channeler on behalf of SOL.
The Dialogue Begins
Ronny: SOL, are you here?
SOL: Yes, my child.
Zach: SOL, we would like to write a book with you and do not know how and where to start. Please could you advise us?
SOL: At last! You have made the right decision. This will be a very rewarding experience, but it might take some time. Are you happy to go ahead?
Ronny: Yes. Perhaps you could tell us something about what the name SOL signifies.
SOL: Sometime in the eighteenth-century, there were two brothers who left Spain. One of them went to England while the other, a chief rabbi, traveled to Fez in Morocco. There he had a beautiful daughter named Solika. The Sultan's son of Morocco wanted to marry Solika; but being of Jewish faith, she refused and as punishment, she was stoned, beheaded and dragged through the town. The Sultan, just before his death, felt such remorse for what he had done that he ordered a monument to be built in her honor. To this day both Muslims and Jews visit the grave to receive blessings. SOL is short for Solika Hatchuel.
Zach: Thank you, SOL. Perhaps giving us a short explanation on how you entered our dimension through Ronny would be very interesting.
Ronny: Perhaps Zach, if you understand how this happened, the rest will fall into place. Over the years I have had out-of-body and telepathic experiences. The first time it happened was when I was a child. I was playing in my parents' friends' pool in their back yard when I found myself drowning. I could see my friends sitting by the side of the pool above me, calling to my father. My father jumped into the pool, grabbed me, laid me on the grass, and tried to pump out the water from my lungs. Even though I was unconscious, I could clearly see everything that was going on around me. My perspective was from above. And although I believe this may not be such an unusual experience, there have been many instances since when I have had out-of-body experiences and also have been able to foresee things in the future.
I kept hearing stories about this spiritual being, SOLIKA. Throughout my childhood, I had remembered my father mentioning her as a family legend; and although my family's name is spelled Hatchwell and hers, Hatchuel, I was told that we derived from the same family tree. Stories like this made me feel very close to Solika.
At a certain time in my life I was in crisis, my marriage had collapsed, I was a single mother, I was living on the breadline, and I was at the point of an emotional breakdown when I heard a voice in my head saying that I should take a pen and paper and write. I felt a tremendous pressure down the back of the left side of my head. There was suddenly a rush through my right arm, and I started to write! I was absolutely amazed when I found that I had written that I would see a male friend I had not seen in five years and That I would earn twenty-four and a half shekels that day . . . which was not too inspiring! It was signed "your spiritual guide, SOL."
I crunched up the note, put it in my pocket and forgot all about it. By the end of that day I had met one of my brother's friends from England whom I had not seen in five years and found that I had earned exactly twenty-four and a half shekels selling the wooden toys that I made for a living at that time. And then it all hit me!
During the following few weeks, I found myself going through the same procedure--voice, pen, paper, forecast--until one day SOL began to explain that she was an intelligence, who at some point had been Solika. And in this capacity of "being" and "Intelligence," SOL had been able to attach herself to other intelligences, and thus manifest what we call "Acts of God."
As a medium and a channeler, SOL is able to allow me to receive information which would be interesting to us as human beings. I have lived actively with SOL for eighteen years, and believe that I am SOL, and she is my Higher Power, my connection to the All That Is, which is part of all of us. We each channel, but most of us are unaware of this capacity. All it takes is awareness. If one God, one Energy, one Intelligence created All That Is, and created us in His/Her image, then He/She created lots of smaller gods, all creating His/Her subjective worlds. Therefore, you and I are one and the same.
Zach: Perhaps at this point we should also include in thebook how I came to know Ronny and how my life has changed as she channeled SOL for me.
A few years ago, a friend of mine, Nurit, told me about Ronny and her ability to channel what she called "valuable information from a higher intelligence." I must admit that I was very skeptical. In fact, I was at that time, and in a way still am, very skeptical about any mystical forms of guidance such as horoscope reading, numerology, etc., and considered Ronny's channeling to be in the same category. Nonetheless, I felt that Nurit had good judgment, and I was at a point in my life when I needed help with my relationships with women. I was twenty-seven years old and hadn't yet maintained a steady, healthy relationship. My previous relationships with women had been purely physical rather than emotional. I also had a relative at that time who was forty-five years old and still dating endlessly, and I thought it may have had something to do with our family genes! It seemed so chauvinistic, and yet I never saw myself as a chauvinist.
So I had asked Nurit if she could help me find a soul mate and help me build a healthy lasting relationship. Nurit offered to take a note with a few questions to Ronny. I did not know Ronny at that time, and I was very surprised when Nurit told me that Ronny didn't have to know anything about me except my name. This made me even more suspicious but also somewhat curious.
A few days later Nurit came back with the answer from Ronny. It was overwhelming! It was as if the answer came from somebody who knew me better than I knew myself. SOL spoke of my family background and how all of this led to my inability to attach myself emotionally to any special companion. She identified a fundamental pattern in my relationship with my mother that was actually the source of my behavior with other women. I wasn't even aware of that pattern at the time, and my first reaction was, how does she know all this about me?
Once I had overcome my amazement, I sat down and read her answer more carefully and realized that it came from a place, an intelligence, I had never encountered before. It was very clear-cut and profound and most of all, painfully accurate. SOL continued by addressing things that I was constantly evading. I found out, for example, that I had a great fear of rejection, and this was very surprising, as I had always thought of myself as being quite invulnerable. And so I embarked on this journey with Ronny and SOL, and here we are, writing our book.