In Seasons of Hope, Rusty Hayes explores the process by which God produces character development and life change. Using the four seasons as a powerful metaphor, he offers perspective, practical insights, and most of all hope no matter what season or stage we might find ourselves in.
-Dr. Larry Osborne
Sr. Pastor, North Coast Church, Vista, CA; Bestselling
Author of Sticky Church, Sticky Teams, Thriving in
Babylon, etc.
Someone said, "Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only for one second without hope." If you need hope, Rusty Hayes' book will supply you with large doses.
-Dr. James Merritt
President of the Southern Baptist Convention, 2000-
2002; Founding Pastor, Cross Pointe Church, Atlanta,
GA; Author; Television Host for "Touching Lives"
True hope brings joy without shame. Rusty Hayes clearly leads us through the seasons of hope with solid and encouraging biblical teaching. I was challenged and encouraged!
-William J. Hamel
President of the Evangelical Free Church of America
(1997-2015); Counsel to the President EFCA.