Las habilidades psíquicas al alcance de sus dedos
Para muchos, el toque psíquico, o psicometría, es una de las habilidades psíquicas más fáciles de desarrollar debido a que proviene de uno de los sentidos básicos del ser humano: el tacto. En Sea Psíquico tiene la oportunidad de explorar su capacidad innata en niveles hasta ahora no logrados. Aprenda a leer las impresiones psíquicas en objetos, en personas y lugares.
Por medio de técnicas fáciles de seguir incremente su destreza para encontrar objetos perdidos, analizar personas por medio de fotografías y establecer si existe mutua compatibilidad. Detecte energías en desequilibrio que afectan el cuerpo y la mente de individuos.
English Translation
Psychic abilities at your fingertips
For many, psychic touch, or psychometry, is one of the easiest psychic abilities to develop because it comes from one of the basic senses of the human being: touch. In Be Psychic you have the opportunity to explore your innate ability at hitherto unfulfilled levels. Learn to read the psychic impressions on objects, people and places.
By means of easy-to-follow techniques, increase your ability to find lost objects, analyze people by means of photographs and establish if there is mutual compatibility. Detect unbalanced energies that affect the body and mind of individuals
About the Author: Ted Andrews (1952-2009) was an award-winning author and deeply respected teacher in the metaphysical and spiritual fields. Through his seminars, symposiums, workshops, and lectures, he was committed to making esoteric material comprehensible and practical for everyone.
Ted Andrew's many gifts included clairvoyancy, aura interpretation, past-life analysis, dreams interpretation, numerology, and Tarot. He wrote many books on these subjects, but is best known for his work with animal mysticism and for his bestselling Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. Certified in basic hypnosis and acupressure, Andrews was also involved in the study and use of herbs as an alternative path in health care, focusing strongly on esoteric forms of healing with sound, music, and voice. In addition to his interest in metaphysics, Ted was a trained pianist and often used the Celtic harp, bamboo flute, shaman rattles, Tibetan bells, Tibetan Singing Bowl, and quartz crystal bowls to create individual healing therapies and induce higher states of consciousness.
Ted Andrews is the author of The Healer's Manual; Animal-Speak, How to See & Read the Aura; Enchantment of the Faerie Realm; Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls; How to Uncover Your Past Lives; How to Heal with Color; Sacred Sounds; Simplified Qabala Magic; and many other New Age titles. He passed away on October 24, 2009.