In the mystical realm of Plom, Scrungle Bungus lives in a tree, relying on the magic huba mushroom to transport himself in and out, it gives him the ability to levitate. Scrungle also has magic pockets capable of endless storage and telepathy sans a mouth, Scrungle embarks on an unforeseen journey when his huba mushroom supply runs out.
Encountering the Knights of Colour, a group more preoccupied with personal branding than the plight of a missing princess, Scrungle's polite interaction leads to an unexpected breakfast feast and guidance towards Plombree City's Sorcerers Collective Society (SCS) who are having a sale.
Accompanied by Peetles, a newfound ally whom Scrungle had rescued from a pack of ravenous wolves, the duo encountered a troll inexplicably guarding a bridge, followed by obstructions on the road to central Plombree due to a new bypass under construction. In both instances, Scrungle and Peetles deftly circumvented bureaucratic hurdles and the pedantic nature of their predicaments. Navigating the city's chaos with finesse, they skillfully avoided the scrutiny of authorities, securing vital information regarding the elusive Huba mushroom's whereabouts.
Equipped with a bicycle to hasten their journey, they embarked on a castle tour, inadvertently overhearing Chancellor Gumptrude and Baroness Bakeeasy nefarious plot to usurp the kingdom from the king and Princess Isobella. Fleeing Pombree with urgency, they encountered two of the female knights and joined forces to thwart the destruction of a windmill, a victim of Chancellor Gumptrude's dubious claims that they give you cancer.
Guided by the knights, they brave perilous challenges including confrontations with Farny guardians and the enigmatic Cheeseman, ultimately unraveling the mysteries of a cryptic mansion and obtaining the moon dial, leading the way to the Huba mushroom island.