We've all heard the saying... "Work Smarter, and Not Just Harder." Accelerate your learning speed by being both the teacher and the student.
Imagine how much more you can accomplish if you are able to be your own teacher. Instead of adapting to other people's way of teaching, you teach yourself the way you want, where you want it and however much you want it.
Self-learning is not just to get better grades or get the next promotion. It's about freedom. It's about declaring to the universe that you are in charge of your own learning and you are going to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.
The Science of Self-Learning is a deep look into what makes an amazing self-learner amazing. Anyone can learn anything. True or true? However, let's be honest. Have you ever doubted your own abilities to learn something... even though it is completely bullsh**?
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." - Albert Einstein What lies have you been telling yourself? What could you really have achieved, grew and evolved if you had the right skill sets and mindset? Breathe in... and let go. The past is gone, the future is not yet here but what you have right now is the present moment. A present. A gift.
Have you ever heard of the story of how we should sharpen our axe first before chopping down trees? It was Abraham Lincoln. He said... "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Self-Learning is the sharpening of the axe. It is, indeed, the genesis of all learning.
Unlike other book, The Science of Self-Learning is an actionable and scientifically backed guide to aid you on your journey to "sharpen your axe." The human potential is infinite. The human learning potential is infinite. However, what we do are usually not that impressive. Take back control! Step up! It's time to evolve.
Scroll Up Now To Get::::: The Science of Self-Learning: How to Learn Anything Faster, Remember More, and be More Productive
In The Science of Self-Learning you will discover:
How to proceed with self-directed learning effectively.
How to break free of limiting unconscious belief systems that are silently sabotaging your learning speed.
How to use high level self-learning strategies that sickeningly intelligent people uses.
How to make self-learning fun and exciting in seemingly boring and draining learning.
How to learn anything faster and be more productive with some amazing life hacks
And much more...
Jim Rohn, the original teacher of Tony Robbins once said: "Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better." Are you ready to step up and take your life up to the next level?
What you could only dream of, someone else have already done it. It is possible and self-learning could be much more effective if you have the right blueprint to guide you.
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