In this post-apocalyptic space fantasy, Phoebe, an irreverent young space explorer, flies a maiden voyage into the proverbial wall. Phoebe loses her ship, her planet, her soul's ambition. Phoebe loses her way. Stuck on a planet where Gravity waves madly for attention, she finds unlikely allies in Cai and his sidekick. Now it turns out Gravity is waving goodbye.
Skewered like a trio of olives in Future's dirty martini, the three are spit out on a planet where normalcy, species-integrity, and self-determination struggle for a toehold. Although blitzed by every chapter from the Book of (likely) Menace, they discover the irony of Science: Reality is pretty unreal. A close examination isn't for the faint-hearted. Lose it all. Or find everything that really matters.
Wise-cracking, passionate, their adventure becomes a race to embrace difference, joy, laughter, irony and the impossible. With such a winning formula, what could possibly go wrong?
Say Hi 4 Me (when Gravity waves) serves up the many faces of adversity: war, violence, alien encounter, capture, imprisonment, race and gender politics. And, possibly, giant pink worms. A woman, a man, and the sentient beings they come to know, are chewed up and come to a reckoning. They shirk and pillory conventions, expectations and tropes. Willy-nilly, with every step of their adventure, Phoebe and crew comically puncture pomposity and profane the language. Merciless blasphemy. Wit, grit, and gravitas.