A breathtaking and powerful journey of spiritual awakening. With the finesse and grace of a master teacher, Paul F. Gorman presents a work of fresh and astonishing spiritual clarity.
The simplicity and authority in which Gorman gives this profound message ignites the spiritual faculties of those ready to awaken. Anyone can witness God in their day-to-day lives if they first realize what God is (and what God is not), then seek God with all their hearts, rather than seeking the forms of God (good) alone.
When we seek the consciousness of God, find, and are then satisfied with the experience of God felt happening within, the miracles and freedom of truth become fully available to not only each and every individual, but the world.
Because God is mind is formation (earth/universe), to be satisfied with the experience of God within is to have experience filled with the goodness of truth, freely and abundantly available for all to share.
With a richness and quality that manages to palpably alight the truth within the devoted seeker, this is a consummate work that helps inspire, lift, illumine and reveal a treasured life of spiritual purpose and freedom.
About the Author: Paul F. Gorman's spiritual awakening began at 18, when he bought his first metaphysics book. Although it was not purely spiritual, it was enough to ignite the flame of spiritual awareness within.
That was the beginning of what turned out to be a twenty-year awakening, the last seven of which Paul describes as a "living hell." In his early 30s, he was not only struggling with almost perpetual financial lack and limitation, but discovered he had cancer - a cancer deemed fatal by materia medica.
It was at this time he decided to turn one hundred percent to spirit rather than accept medical procedure, months of chemo and a journey of hoped for "recovery from cancer."
He found himself drawn to a book he had bought years before but, at the time, had not understood - Joel S. Goldsmith's Consciousness Unfolding. Suddenly the book spoke to him. He began to deeply study Goldsmith's Infinite Way, and the spiritual path revealed throughout it.
But those seven years were filled with almost constant fear (each morning he awoke shaking in fear), fairly regular pain, sometimes severe, and deepening financial struggles.
Then, one day in deep meditation, he heard the words, "Go beyond Joel." He understood this to mean, "hear your own truth rather than attempt to find healing from someone else's truth." Within three weeks the cancer was healed, and the financial burden began to ease, dissolve and turn itself around. In Paul's words, the "tipping point" had been attained in which there is sufficient spiritual awakening to evidence the health, love, harmony, abundance, freedom and purpose of true life.
Years later, 2008, he woke up one Sunday morning with a pressing urge to write down what he felt pushing through him. Two hours later, he had a dozen pages of a clear spiritual message, but no idea what it was for. During the next six weeks, every few days, a similar urge pushed through him. He simply wrote what he heard. After the sixth time this happened he realized that the messages he was hearing were to become a book. After twenty-five such sessions the writing felt complete. Those twenty-five "chapters" became the book, The Miracle Self.
Today, The Miracle Self is a prolific teaching with over 1000 recorded classes, eleven books, and students in 68 countries.
There is spiritual help and many resources on the website www.miracleself.com including free books at Miracle Self Books ONLINE.