ADO.NET refers to a set of classes that ship with Visual Studio .NET that allow developers to access data typically stored in relational databases. The purpose of this book is to explain the important features of ADO.NET to corporate developers who use VS .NET. Dan Fox also provides architectural guidance and best practices for using ADO.NET in corporate applications. Reference Tables show how members of ADO.NET classes fit into the bigger picture by denoting why or where the method or property is used. This book is filled with code snippets and code listings in both VB .NET and VC# .NET, sidebars, and mini case studies that briefly explore peripheral issues, tips, cautions, and additional resources.
About the Author: Dan Fox is a Technical Director for Quilogy in Overland Park, Kansas. Quilogy ( is a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and Solution Provider.
Dan is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer, Systems Engineer, and Trainer who has been a consultant, instructor, and managing consultant on a variety of projects. In his role as a Technical Director, Dan provides technical guidance to Quilogy's consultants and customers.
Before joining Quilogy in 1995, Dan worked for Chevron in Houston, Texas, and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in Kansas City, Missouri. Dan got his B.S. in computer science from Iowa State University in 1991. Dan has been a columnist for .NET Magazine and a frequent contributor to the Visual Basic ProgrammerÕs Journal and Visual Studio Magazine and has written numerous articles for SQL Server Magazine, Advisor journals, MSDN Magazine, and He authored the books Building Distributed Applications with Visual Basic .NET and Pure Visual Basic from Sams and coauthored a book on the Visual Basic 6 Distributed Exam (70-175) for Certification Insider Press. He has spoken at TechEd and several Developer Days conferences and Microsoft events. Dan, with his ever-patient wife, Beth, and two young daughters, Laura and Anna, lives in Shawnee, Kansas, where as another spring arrives hope is renewed for a Cubs victory in the Fall Classic.