An intriguing family saga and love story spanning over forty years begins quite innocuously when a delivery driver (Rory) delivers a parcel to an elderly woman`s house (Rhona) and from there, begins a voyage of self-discovery after an unlikely friendship is formed.
With Rhona`s help, Rory comes to terms with his past but in doing so, uncovers family secrets.
The reader is transported back through Rhona`s life and the hardship she endured living with an abusive husband (Harold), and her unexpected affair with a married man (Erick). After leaving Harold she flees to the West of Ireland, where Erick owns a remote cottage. Here, she gives birth and must deal with the trauma of having to put their illegitimate baby up for adoption.
Unable to remain there she flees to Cornwall, thinking she may never see her lover or her baby again.
Having settled there her life takes many twists and turns and she meets some interesting characters and, one, whom she falls in love with. But this relationship ends in a double tragedy. Her life spirals out of control and eventually, taking the advice of a good friend, she goes off to a Keralan Retreat.
Meanwhile, Erick is going through his own family traumas and his life begins to unravel.
But by a coincidental twist of fate, something happens that changes the course of both their lives forever.
Eventually, the truth is revealed by Rory.
He, meanwhile, has been gradually revealing more about his past to Rhona and what he tells her is quite shocking. But after discovering something unexpected and surprising about his parents, love wins through, and later, after a seemingly happy ending, something happens that leaves the reader wondering.
Safe Place is an engaging thought-provoking, harrowing yet uplifting tale, of strength, love, and belonging.