Sacred Secrets is the entire Gospel of Mark, the first Gospel written about the character Jesus in the King James Version of the Holy Bible, divided into individual episodes.
Each episode from the Gospel of Mark is followed by "only" the corresponding episodes from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Differences found among the verses, author-motivated agendas, and deliberate fictitious addition to scripture--the purpose of which could only be to manipulate the exponentially growing mass of non-Jewish heathen Christians--are revealed.
Using a process more accurate than "textual criticism," a branch of textual scholarship concerned with the identification of textual variants of ancient manuscripts, truths about the so-called Christ are brought to light, the likes of which have never before been imagined! Truths about the life and supposed death of the character "Jesus Christ" are realized! More importantly, the discerned meanings behind "parables" uttered by a "human being" who was enveloped in the "Spirit like a dove," which descended from above, accompanied by a voice from heaven saying, "Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," are explained!
A new millennium revelation!
Sacred Secrets is a commentary on the first three Gospels of the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
The King James Version of the Holy Bible when reverse-translated--that is, the pertinent words presented in the original Hebrew and Greek languages--"is the inspired and inerrant Word of God."
The so-called discrepancies seem to have been put there intentionally not by the human beings who deliberately altered the scriptures but by their "Creator," who inspired their mischievous misdeeds.