Seven years after the death of Donnie Darko, a young man troubled by hallucinations about doomsday, his now 18-year-old sister Samantha Darko joins her best female friend Corey on a road trip from Virginia to California. When their car breaks down in a tiny Utah town, they are helped by the town "bad boy", Randy. The pair meet eccentric locals and learn that a local boy, Billy Moorcroft, has gone missing.
Samantha is still struggling with her brother's death and is sleepwalking. While wandering, she meets a homeless veteran with PTSD named Justin (James Lafferty). As the pair sit atop a windmill, she tells him that the world will end soon, but he knows this already. The next morning she wakes up outside, and sees that a meteorite has crashed into the windmill.
A series of mysterious encounters and events follows. A geeky guy, Jeremy (Jackson Rathbone), is interested in buying the meteorite, and chats with Samantha. Randy tells of how he misses his younger brother who has disappeared and is feared dead. During a strange episode, Samantha takes Justin to the local church and commands him to burn it. The next day, police find Justin's dog tags in the ashes.
Samantha meets Jeremy, who is showing signs of radiation exposure from the meteorite. Justin is forging a bunny-skull mask to help "his princess." Samantha tells Corey she wants to get out of town but the two argue bitterly. Samantha runs away, and she is knocked down in a car crash.
Anguished about her best friend's death, Corey goes through Samantha's effects, including a book about time travel and a story Samantha wrote as a child about a princess and a boy named Justin. After a strange boy commands Corey to come with him to save Samantha, she follows him to a cave into a portal that takes her back in time.