This comic book style novel follows the misadventures of Jon Rumbowl, a former Special Forces Soldier who is called back into a Psychological Operations unit with the special mission of identifying the ratlines for narcotics coming in to the United States through Haiti. Can he maintain his cover among his new less than hard core comrades? Will he be able to learn the new skill sets to fit in?
The plot is that of a race between two disenfranchised special operations soldiers. Sergeant First Class Jon Rumbowl/Kasperowicz an old overweight convicted felon looking to get back in the Army and Major Trey Bytme a former up and coming Special Forces officer, who politically insulted the wrong person by snubbing their daughter, looking to get out of the Army.
In the 80's there was a flood of movies about disenfranchised Special Operations (SPECOPS) soldiers fighting some sort of vengeance quest. I would say FIRST BLOOD by David Morrell and brought to the screen by Sylvester Stalone as RAMBO lead the way for this genre.
Push forward into the 90's and you have a mass of missions performed by military reservist and the national guard, the citizen soldier part time warrior. I re-imagined how one of these highly trained experienced and focused soldiers would act in a group of these reservists.
I admit that I drew from many of my own experiences. As a Psyoper I had the run of the Island and we did great things. I have actually forgotten the worst times of that deployment. Now I remember the funny times. I hope I included a bit of that dark humor in this novel.
For those familiar with the novel FIRST BLOOD you will understand why I chose to follow up on the movie "RAMBO" instead. Let's just say the Sylvester Stalone version of Rambo is gentler and kinder.
Rumbowl's benefactor General Bassman used every favor he had to keep that whole incident from going to local trial. Rumbowl was tried by the Feds. He was sentenced to 15 years, but was paroled to Bassman's supervision after 10 years. Bassman brought Jon to Fort Bragg and set him up with a job and place to live. Jon would be the "in case of war break glass fire-axe" for Bassman.
Mama Mambo walked right up to Major Bytme. No one stopped her and as everyone was deferring to her, Trey did the same.
You "Trey Tyler Bytme the Third" beware the dead men they are coming for you. He was a zombie but they put him in the body of a dead man and now they are both alive coming for you, no longer zombie no longer dead."
"She knows!" Momma Mombo pointed her pointy skeletal finger directly at Chrissy. "Charlene Rey Dunford knows. She has seen him. Beware the dead men!"
I always liked stories of redemption. I hope you will find this action novel redeeming.