Rudy, a 20 year collection of comics and zines by Mark Connery, is a delightfully strange, funny, and metaphysical trip.
"Intuitive and spontaneous rather than practiced and formalistic, [these] hilarious, doodled-in-a-notebook-style comics emerge triumphantly from the id. -- The Comics Journal
When I first saw his work it felt truly and completely new. And the funny thing is, reading the material in this book over a decade later, it still feels that way.-- Anders Nilsen, three-time Ignatz award winner and author of works such as Big Questions and Don't Go Where I Can't Follow
Rudy, a 20 year collection of comics and zines by Mark Connery, is a delightfully strange, funny, and metaphysical trip. With pants-wearing fish, shape-shifting triangles, talking eyeballs, rude ugly duckling youths, and of course our titular magic cat, Rudy, Connery's absurdist irreverence permeates his work. With the turn of every page, Rudy beats with a poet's heart.
Mark Connery is a Toronto-based artist and cartoonist. He has frequently collaborated with Marc Bell, Michael Comeau, Peter Kalyniuk, and Amy Lockhart.
About the Author: Mark Connery is a Toronto artist and cartoonist. He has frequently collaborated with Marc Bell, Michael Comeau, Peter Kalyniuk, and Amy Lockhart.
Marc Bell was born in London, Ontario, and has befuddled and bemused his readers for more than a decade. He is the author of Shrimpy and Paul and Friends, and his comics have appeared in many Canadian weeklies, Vice Magazine, and L.A. Weekly.