People have supernatural experiences in every part of the world over the ages. Such
extra ordinary experiences include clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy, near death experience,
out of body experience etc. Every Sentient entity has the potential to have such experiences. The
research this reported thesis work was carried out in the Radhasoami Ashram of Dayalbagh,
Garden of the Merciful. It is a peaceful place with spiritual splendor and aura. The residents of
this place lead a life of simplicity, hard sustained work as labor of love and devotion to duty. In
such an environment, one can come across many incidents of Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESPs)
here. Such extraordinary powers are present in all entities of the creation and, in human beings
are very prominent as in human body; all five senses are very well developed. Hence, if human
is aware of ESP powers in him and learn to use them in everyday activities, it will give amazing
benefits to him. Dayalbagh has its own University, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, which
focuses on the overall development of students with emphasis on physical, mental, social,
emotional and spiritual development. Working Memory is one of the brain's decisions making
functions and stores the information received and process it later. Hence it is considered as
important tool in the present research.