Synopsis -
Michael Shoemaker's first collection of poetry "Rocky Mountain Reflections" is a celebration of poetry, photography, articles and short stories of the Rocky Mountain West. With joy, humor and beauty he sends you on your own unique journey to discover nature, relationships with others and God. Editors of literary poetry journals have called Michael's work "amazingly beautiful". With publications in over 30 journals, magazines and newspapers we hope you will enjoy what others have found that is interesting and uplifting in his style of poetry and photography panorama.
Testimonials -
Michael paints both beautiful imagery and meaningful memories with his words. He does so in a way that allows us to share in these emotions and memories. The added artistry of his photography helps to accentuate his compositions. This is a collection that you can keep nearby for times when you wish to be inspired.
- Wm David Mallery, naturalist, author, photographer and wandering philosopher
Michael Shoemaker is a gentle man with a gentle way of presenting youth, growth, and understanding of simple life. He has made his way through innocence of nature and man, by poems that tell of memories that had almost been forgotten, being able to see nature in poetic form along with photos that show majestic scenes that capture what words on a page depict. His pictures and poetry deliver a way of life, preserved. It is definitely a good read and visually aesthetic. - Esther Merritt Manning, poet and author of "The Barn" and "My Castle Wall"
With both camera and turn of phrase, Michael deftly manages to surprise and delight with his first and hopefully one of many poetry/photography books. The interplay between poetry and photography is both interesting and appealing. This book will make a fine gift for family, friends and anyone who loves beauty.
- Dave Marston
publisher, Writers on the Range
If you like your prose, poetry and photographs to concern themselves with the spiritual, the human, and the environmental, then Michael Shoemaker's first collection "Rocky Mountain Reflections" will be just the book for you. The poems and the prose show the author's genuine love and compassion for other people and a timely awareness of the environmental issues affecting the planet as we move ever closer to the eleventh hour. For the most part the photographs show exactly what we will be losing if we don't deal with our hubris and start to think in the long term instead of closing our eyes to our short term obsession with profit and perpetual growth. It is a book that both touches the heart and engages the intellect. It is a collection that will be a welcome addition to anyone's bookshelf - buy it.
- Mervyn Linford, poet, author, editor of Littoral Magazine and publisher of Littoral Press