ON THE ROAD WITH RAMARemember that outside of time, outside of space, outside of duality ... there is something.
And that something is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful beyond understanding.
It's endless light. It's awareness.
The universe is actually alive. It's intelligence - an intelligence that so far surpasses anything that has yet been seen or dreamed or imagined, and you enter into that intelligence. You are it. You're a reflection of it.
To see it all, to be it, to be that totality, that's what attracts a few of us to perpetually go forward into it.
(chapter excerpts)UnityUnity is the recognition of your tremendous power. If you could see how powerful you are, what you are like in other planes of awareness, then you'd realize there's nothing that can stop you.
Who am I? I'm enlightenment. I come from a place far, far from here. Far not so much in a geographical sense-it's a sense of awareness. I come from the plane of unity and the plane of enlightenment.Sit down and meditate in the evening, when you do your evening meditation, and meditate on love. Just let it flow through you until you start to smile.
And your smile grows larger and larger until it's so big that you don't even feel it anymore-you don't feel the body-till all the thoughts stop and there's nothing but unity, there's nothing but oneness.Think of the earth as your body, the sky as your mind, the totality as your soul. Walk in that all day and all night long. Live in that perfect unity of being. Experience it. That's truth, freedom and perfection.
There's really nothing else worth living for, is there?
MagicWithin you there are thousands of rings of luminosity, bands, and each one is a universe of perception. In the average person's lifetime, they might just open up two or three, maybe only four of those bands.Those bands are keys to doorways that lead to other universes, other understandings of life, other experiences, other selves; we have other selves.
Everything that you see here, in other words, is a reflection of a higher reality. This particular world is not really a world, it's a perception that you're having at the moment. The alteration of your perception will create an alteration of the world. That's magic.You can actually alter the world through perception. I'm not saying this just in a subjective sense. Let me give you an example.If your awareness was strong enough, you can change the fate of a whole world ... without ever leaving your room.
Electronic TribeThe computers in Atlantis were infinitely evolved as opposed to what we see today. The science, the technology, everything was really done with light.
All processing was done with light, with crystal formations and structures. Electricity is much too slow.
Kundalini YogaHow much are you learning lately? Are you learning enough? Have you learned that you're not a body composed of cells and tissues? Have you learned that this world, as you know it, doesn't even exist? Do you know that there is not a beginning or an ending? That there is no today or tomorrow? That all of the relative appearances that you see don't really exist as you think they do?The kundalini gives this knowledge and awareness. It frees you. It frees you from duality, the sense of right and wrong, good and bad, love and hate, beauty and ugliness, winning and losing.
PowerWe ourselves are free attention. You are not anyone or anything in particular. You are attention itself. You are awareness itself. You don't have a particular form. You contain everything or everything is contained within you, or you are contained by all things.
Self-realization is the last game on earth worth playing.
Yes, but also just enjoyment-enjoyment of the moment and enjoyment of eternity.