The last humans on a planet of dinosaurs...A quest to disarm an apocalyptic weapon...Can the Dino Wars gang save the world before it's too late?3142 AD. Humanity is on the verge of extinction after genetically engineered dinosaurs reclaimed the planet during the Dino Wars.
Adam Caine lives in the secluded city of Bastion with other human survivors and peace-loving dinosaurs.
When an old weapon that threatens all dinosaur life is activated, Adam knows it is down to him to stop it. With the help of his sister Chloe and best friend Dag, a tech-savvy Iguanadon, Adam must find four Dilotron crystals before time runs out. However, one might just be at the centre of a city full of carnivorous raptors...
This is the first book in a four-book series which follows the adventures of Adam and the rest of his motley crew.
Can Adam and his friends stop the bomb before it's too late? Find out in Rise of the Raptors, the breath-taking first novel in the Dino Wars series!
Recommended reading order:
Book 1: Rise of the Raptors
Book 2: The Trials of Terror
Book 3: The Gladiator Games
Book 4: The City of Whispers
Praise for the Dino Wars series:
"An action-packed treat for young dinosaur fans! So dinotastic it will shake you off your seat and make your teeth chatter!" - Chris d'Lacey, author of The Last Dragon Chronicles
"An imaginative and fast-paced adventure with dinosaurs and lasers, what's not to love?!"- Giles Paley-Phillips, children's author
"This is a fun and imaginative adventure set in an exciting new genre... dino-punk!" - Huw Powell, author of the Spacejackers series
"I thoroughly enjoyed the first adventure of Dino Wars, it feels like I've embarked on an epic adventure! The story is fast paced and exciting, and the characters are brilliant fun (well, not Lord General Stryker, of course...) I want to be in the gang with Adam, Chloe and Dag! I like the dino facts that are scattered throughout and I love the scale of the world that Dan has created. I can't wait to hear how their crystal mission continues. More, please!" - Clare Elsom, author and illustrator, Horace & Harriet
"What is there not to love about talking dinosaurs? It's exactly the sort of adventure I had always wished I could go on as a kid! Dino Wars is not only pre-hysterical, it's a thrilling romp through the future!" - Andy Briggs, author of, Tarzan series and The Inventory
"Dan Metcalf has created a believable futuristic world where humans and dinosaurs co-exist. This promises to be a must-read series. Reluctant readers especially will be hooked." - Saviour Pirotta, author of Firebird
"What's not to love about a future filled with talking dinosaurs, dino-cities and a quest to save the world? A fast-paced, strikingly scaly tale with acres of action and adventure." - Guy Bass, author of the Stitch Head and Spynosaur books
"Dinos, Dilotron crystals and computer chaos - a raptor rollercoaster for all young action fans!" - Claire Barker, author of the Knitbone Pepper series