In the chaos unleashed by the sudden and devastating heat waves of 2035, global leaders faced an unprecedented choice: entrust the destiny of Earth to artificial intelligence. As the world plunged into chaos, "Rise of I-Adam" unfolds, revealing the struggle of people worldwide torn between surviving the harsh outer world and seeking refuge in the alluring Safe Cities governed by AI.
Within these Safe Cities, questions abound - What is life like behind the fortified walls? How have food, relationships, love, and entertainment transformed in this utopian haven? Is this existence a stark departure from the pre-heat wave world? What about the outer world that remains untouched by artificial intelligence?
Follow the compelling relationship between Nadie and Adam, a couple divided by their choices - one drawn to the allure of Safe Cities, the other choosing the challenges of the outer world. The novel delves into the intricate dynamics of love, sacrifice, and the quest for a meaningful life amidst the backdrop of a divided society.
As tensions rise, the narrative raises profound questions - Should children adhere to their parents' choices in this divided world, and who truly knows what's best for them? "Rise of I-Adam" is a thought-provoking exploration of identity, culture, love, and purpose in a futuristic society.
Readers are invited to explore the dichotomy of these worlds, where the pursuit of a brighter future comes with complex decisions.
This novel weaves together elements of science fiction, mystery, and human emotion, offering readers a thrilling literary experience that challenges conventional perceptions.