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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1906 edition. Excerpt: ... ANALYTICAL INDEX The abbreviation '/' following a page number signifies 'and follmoitig page'; 'ff.'and following pages.' Administration, at a distance, difficulty of, 85 Dutch, suffered from lack of centralisation, 92 Africa, opened and colonised by Dutch, 139 Agriculture, difficulties of in the Netherlands, 15 Dutch, excellence of, 197 English, improved by Dutchmen, 198 neglect of, fatal to commercial nations, 44 ff. neglected by: Athens, 47 Carthage, 49 Constantinople 51 Flanders and Brabant, 56 Phoenicia, 44 Bome, 50, 51 Alexander VI., Pope, divides the New World between Spain and Portugal, 71:, -'. Sir Thos., attacks Dutch Smyrna fleet, 311 Auuances and Treaties, binding power and object of, 97, 306, 313 ff., 361 A, .v, Duke of, 84,87, 88 Amalfi, trade, prosperity and decline of, 53 Amateurs, rule by, dangers of (see also Party-Politicians and Democracies), 112 ff., 433 Amrassadors, duties and functions of, 363 Dutch, had to play to the gallery, 863; were not given sufficient funds, 363; chiefly occupied in writing despatches, 363; appointed by favour, 364 Amroyna, 131, 200 massacre of, 218, 263 America, colonised by Dutch, 188 Ammunition, lack of, in Netherlands, 282, 283, 376 ff., 391 Amphictyonic Council, 74 Amsterdam, rise, progress and decline of, 23, 27, 38, 67, 96, 122, 126,189, 143 ff, 189 f., 267, 436 endeavours to rule the country, 91; the financial centre of the world, 144 f.; prevents William I. from becoming sovereign of the Netherlands, 157; insults William II. of Orange, 228 revolts against oligarchs, 388 Amsteri. !. unpatriotic attitude and cowardice of, 88, 91,189 i.. 216, 382 Bank of, 143 ff., 338; goes into liquidation, 435 I. Amusements of the Dutch, 19 Antwerp, rise, prosperity and decline of, 64, 65, 66, 95 f.,