"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways," declares the Lord.
"The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice."
The inheritance of the nations was foreknown from the foundation of the world. The Lord over all is the inheritance and the foundation. The Lord has declared all his works to be perfect, and to reign over the nations. This book is an exposition on the perfection of his law, and on the nature of his reign over the olam haBa.
Beginning with an exegesis spanning from Genesis to John, every word spoken by God as prescriptive of or warranting action is listed, in order, excluding those mitzvot pertaining to the temple, priesthood, or sacrifices. It is these mitzvoth that which constitute the perfect law that God ordained from the foundation, and these mitzvoth that show us how we are to live in God's will. Following this exegesis, the perfection of the law is revealed in its reconstitution and philosophy and in how Christians are to responsibly implement his laws and steward the nations of the world.
Lastly, this book endeavors to show the areas of life that God created for us to live in and the institutions that he prescribed for us to partake of and the interrelatedness of all made by God. This concluding section reasserts traditional understandings of how we are to live our lives in every area of life created by God, and shows how this understanding is naturally and necessarily derivative of the biblical mitzvoth, and how the world engendered thereby is ideal for human living.
In this modern world where so many institutions and relationships exist that have no biblical foundation, it is increasingly the common Christian experience to feel utterly lost and alienated amidst the secular world. Simply put, this is precisely because we, as a nation, have forsaken the way to live given us by God, and this is my answer for all those hurt and wandering Christians.