Be Rich AND Spiritual - Yildiz Sethi
Is a book about what wealth creation, law of attraction and the Secret left out.
In my work with people over many years, I have been struck by the growing levels of frustration,
disappointment and confusion over their engagement with the ideas put out by the movement
surrounding the wealth creation.
The purpose of writing this book is to give a fuller perspective of our creative potential and how
to utilise it in being BOTH Rich AND Spiritual. I have used much of my knowledge and experience
with clients and from my own life, to put this book together for those who are ready to live
more freely and abundantly.
I am a counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist, family constellations and personal development
facilitator and trainer, vedic astrologer, former-physics and chemistry teacher, mother and
grandmother. In a nutshell, I have a passion for assisting people to free their minds, so that they
can live more fully in the world. In this book, I explain the problems that we encounter in our
efforts to fulfil our potential and also provide many possible solutions towards growth and
You will find this book both rational and spiritual and introduces spiritual science and ways you
may work with your inner world to create a new reality.
At this time of our development as human beings, I feel that it's appropriate to incorporate the
proven wisdoms and spiritual knowledge of the past with the latest innovations in personal
development and an understanding of the functioning of the mind. In this way, we are able to
arrive at a deeper understanding of our human potential. I give case studies throughout as
examples of the ideas presented. Most of all this is not simply theory, as you may make it part of
your life, if you so choose, in becoming rich and spiritual.
Be Rich and spiritual is available in Paperback, ebook and audio
For more on what Yildiz offers see