'Following the Path of the Freed Mind' is a unique guide to the pursuit of what has been known by many names, including 'enlightenment', 'awakening', or in this case, 'The Freed Mind.' In it, Karl-Heinz Schradt, a mental health professional for over 20 years; explores and explains the ideas thoroughly, comprehensively and with instructional guidance from both a western and eastern perspective; incorporating familiar western language and ideas to create a unique 'one-stop tool' for individuals who are working on their own path to freedom.
A bright, exciting book, it is easy to understand, is structured with useful diagrams, removable resources and tables on concepts such as meditation, the structure of the mind and the cognitive processes that either trap or can free you. Whether you wish to develop your insights into the inner workings of the mind, to improve your resilience, self-awareness, efficacy or esteem; this guide has something to offer.
The concept of freed mind has been a fascination for great thinkers, philosophers, intellectuals, and scientists; for hundreds, if not thousands of years; and this book is a cornucopia of self-liberation; merging insights from neuroscience, psychology, the stoic and phenomenological philosophies and the ideas of Buddhism and other eastern traditions.
Despite being an excellent tool for those wishing to understand and develop their knowledge, wisdom and skill in mindfulness, awareness and emotional intelligence; it is an excellent introduction to the world of Buddhist thinking, including aspects of the Hinayana and the Mahayana. Even more significant, it aims to be the first complete guide to help you follow your own Pratyekabuddha 'private and lone Buddha' Path.