The Saviour of the World covers each incident and each saying in the Bible and converts them to either a single poem, blank verse or rhymed stanza, according to the subject. This volume, called The Bread of Life, was originally published in 1910. This book will be of interest to students of both religious studies and English literature.
About the Author: Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason (1 January 1842 - 16 January 1923) was a British educationalist in England at the turn of the twentieth century. Her revolutionary methods led to a shift from utilitarian education to the education of a child upon living ideas. She was inspired by current brain research, by the writings of John Amos Comenius, Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin.
After the release of a book by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, For the Children's Sake in 1984, Charlotte Mason's six volume educational series was republished by Karen Andreola, author of A Charlotte Mason Companion. This led to a resurgence of Charlotte Mason's educational methods for a new generation of teachers and students.
Charlotte Mason's ideas and philosophies are currently being rediscovered by modern day home schools and private schools throughout the world. Influence of her ideas can now be found across the United States in homes, at charter schools and independent private schools. Mason's methods are used widely within the home-school community. Regional and national conferences, retreats, and study groups have sprung up across the globe and have increased Mason's methods' popularity.
Charlotte Mason was born in the hamlet of Garth near Bangor on the Northwest tip of Wales, near Caernarfon. Garth has now been incorporated into the modern city of Bangor. An only child, she was mostly educated at home by her parents. Mason taught for more than ten years at Davison School in Worthing, England. During this time she developed her vision for "a liberal education for all".
Between 1880 and 1892, Charlotte Mason wrote a popular geography series called The Ambleside Geography Books:
Elementary Geography: Book I for Standard II (1881)
The British Empire and the Great Divisions of the Globe: Book II for Standard III (1882)
The Counties of England: Book III for Standard IV (1881)
The Countries of Europe Their Scenery and Peoples: Book IV for Standard V (1883)
The Old and New World: Asia, Africa, America, Australia: Book V (1884)
Mason was later a lecturer at the Bishop Otter Teacher Training College in Chichester, England, where she stayed for more than five years and gave a series of lectures about the education of children under 9, later published as Home Education (1886).
She co-founded the Parents' Educational Union (PEU), an organisation that provided resources to parents educating their children at home. She launched and served as editor-in-chief at the Parents' Review to keep in touch with PEU members.
Many of Mason's modern readers may be unaware of her devout spiritual life and her deeply moving poetry. This is the first volume of a six-volume set of Mason's poetic writings on the life of Christ.
This volume will appeal to Mason's current fans, to Christians of many persuasions, and to anyone who enjoys reading epic and/or religious poetry.