The Revelations to Christ's Holy Bride Church, contains two Gospels: the Septuagint, and Jesus' Gospel recorded by Apostle John. The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Gospel into Greek, and that translation was done 300 to 200 BC, by 72 Hebrew scholars. Fr. Placidus, in 1870, found Jesus' Gospel recorded by Apostle John, and he translated it from Aramaic into Latin.
The Septuagint crystallizes the fact Jesus came into this world to end the blood sacrifices of the law, and to build His Church upon His Apostles. Throughout Jesus' Messianic Ministry, Pharisees and scribes constantly challenged that which Jesus taught to His followers. The Book of Daniel reveals the fact Jesus preached doctrine that eradicated the revered blood covenant of Exodus 24, and the blood sacrifice rituals and laws of Exodus 29, all of which are the very foundation of Judaism. That fact is the reason Pharisees and scribes challenged that which Jesus taught. Those Hebrew laws Jesus preached against, are also the very foundation of the many Catholic and Protestant denominations of today, for those laws support the gift of salvation they steadfastly teach to their followers.
Scripture in the Old Testaments of the traditional Bibles of today, and in the Septuagint, confirms men corrupted God's Word handed down to mankind through Holy Spirit and prophets. In addition, Jesus prophesied to His chosen Twelve in His Gospel recorded by Apostle John, men would change the doctrine He gave to mankind, and teach things in His Name that He did not teach. Septuagint Scripture confirms men fulfilled that prophecy, and thus being, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Book of Acts, and the epistles of Peter, John, James, and Pharisee Saul/Paul, which are within the traditional Bibles of today, all contain numerous lessons being taught in Jesus' Name, that He did not teach.
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Jesus' Gospel, translated from the Aramaic, is one of the most ancient and complete fragments of the Jewish Christian Movement, which formed after Jesus' crucifixion, and it discloses important biblical facts the New Testaments of traditional Bibles do not:
1. it confirms Old Testament Scripture that reveals God sent His Son, Christ Jesus, to end the daily sacrifices carried out in the temple for the atonement of sin; and
2. it reveals the Jews had demanded Jesus to be crucified, because He preached doctrine that eradicated the revered blood covenant of Exodus 24, and the blood sacrifice rituals and laws of Exodus 29, which are the very foundation of the Hebrew religion; and
3. it confirms Old Testament Scripture which reveals Jesus did not die on the cross to redeem mankind from their sins; and
4. it confirms Old Testament Scripture wherein the Lord declared the types of food mankind is to consume; and
5. it reveals the fact Gabriel told Mary, Jesus' mother, that Jesus would save those who obey His Law, and it provides that law, but that law is not in the traditional Bibles; and
6. it reveals the fact Holy Spirit came upon Joseph, after which Gabriel commanded him to go to Mary, his espoused wife, and she conceived in her womb the Holy One; and
7. it reveals the fact Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy wherein the Lord told Jeremiah a new covenant would be given to the house of Israel and Juda.