Book of Revelation Bible Study GuideClear Answers about End Times Bible ProphecyPeople have so many questions about the Book of Revelation (not Revelations), the end times, Bible prophecy, the Rapture, the "Great Tribulation," the Second Coming, the Apocalypse, & the Millennium, etc. These topics are covered in the Book of Revelation by the Apostle John.
The problem is...that when most people pick up a Revelation Commentary, they have trouble understanding what the modern author said, much less what the ancient author wrote. Revelation: Book of Mystery and Majesty is a concise Revelation commentary, written as a Revelation Bible Study for anyone.
Clear and OrganizedThis Revelation Bible study contains many definitions and cross references.
Consider it a short read, a brief a Bible handbook for this book of Bible Prophecy. Easy to navigate whether in paperback or the kindle version. This Revelation Bible Study Guide sifts down to the bottom line of meaning.
Practical ApplicationBible Prophecy is not written merely to satisfy our curiosity. It is written to help us live better. This book is filled with practical application. Each chapter contains application for our lives today. While it will help to satisfy some of your curiosity, it will also motivate you to live as though Jesus would return today.
It also contains six helpful charts that highlight timelines, revelation themes, different views of the book of Revelation, and more.
This book was written by someone who was trained to understand and explain the Scripture at Dallas Theological Seminary, Liberty University, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, all schools that take the Bible seriously and study it in the original languages. The Foreword was written by Dr. Jerry Falwell, Founder and Chancellor at Liberty, and it was also endorsed by Dr. Don Campbell, former President of DTS.
What about the Mark of the Beast, The Anti-Christ, The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Great White Throne Judgment, the Two Witnesses, The New Jerusalem, Heaven, and the Lake of Fire?There is so much misinformation about these topics in modern films, books, and entertainment. It is difficult to separate what is true and false. You need to go back to the original document to see what these things really are. All of these topics are addressed in Revelation and covered by Dr. Carr in Revelation: Book of Mystery and Majesty.
What are people saying about Revelation: Book of Mystery and Majesty?"Kelly Carr has written a fascinating study guide for Revelation ... This study guide of the book of Revelation has that opportunity to open up great insight and illumination to the readers...and motivate them to faithfulness and to watching for His coming."
"Too often pastors shun preaching on prophecy in general and the Book of Revelation in particular. Here is a thorough and practical guide to Revelation that will render them without excuse."
Look inside for more testimonials.
- Wonderful for a personal study.
- Perfect for a group study. Many groups have used this Bible study guide as their Revelation curriculum.
This study is organized into 26 lessons with easy outlines. See Table of Contents insideSix helpful chartsAppendix #1 God's Timeline for Humanity
Appendix #2 Revelation: Book of Mystery and Majesty
Appendix #3 The Seven "Beatitudes" of Revelation
Appendix #4 The Seven Churches of Revelation
Appendix #5 Premillennial Views of the Rapture
Appendix #6 Three Major Views
Get Answers Today! Get Revelation: Book of Mystery and Majesty.
About the Author: Dr. Kelly Carr is a father of three, a husband of one, and an ordained minister. He holds degrees in ministry from Liberty University (B. S. in Pastoral Counseling, Greek and Theology), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th. M. in Bible Exposition), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (D. Min. in Proclamation). He has been involved in church ministry as a Pastor and Youth Pastor, Minster of Education, and Church Planter for more than 25 years, also holding leadership positions in his denomination at the local, state, and national levels. He has performed more than 500 weddings and wedding renewals. For more than nine years he was the featured speaker on the weekly radio program, "Thirty Minutes to Freedom," and is also an author and publisher of numerous books and articles. He considers his ministry to be that of introducing people into a healthy relationship with God, equipping them for a lifetime of ministry, and developing resources that will help achieve this. He currently ministers in Greenville, Texas and lives with his beautiful wife of 29 years. He started Franklin Publishing to help other Pastors and Christian writers further their own ministries and get started in a writing career. Learn more at his blog, Other books by Dr. Carr -A Guidebook for Searchers: Is There Really Evidence Behind Faith? -How To Write Wedding Vows: A Wedding Vow Workbook -Dignity: One Woman's Choice -Daily Prayer Journal: A Personal Guide to Daily Devotions -Fifty Nifty Bible Trivia Quiz Game Questions about Christmas -Fifty Nifty Bible Trivia Quiz Game Questions about Easter His websites include ...