This book is the result of a command by the very voice of God, to learn and write about the title that God Himself gave to me. At the time, I did not know how He even did it, because it felt like every cell in my body vibrated by His voice. I both heard it, and felt it, simultaneously. Since then, I have learned that God's Spirit is everywhere present, which gives Him access to any person, place, or thing. A good example was the burning bush that He spoke through to Moses.
I learned there is much evidence about The Exodus, and during the writing of this book, a documentary came out in theaters showing what they have found (Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus, by Director Timothy Mahoney). Several experts claim that a conspiracy exists to keep the information hidden and obscured. Without a doubt, God purposely left signs that would last till He returned, like the splitting of the rock in Horeb, which is a Type for when He splits the eastern sky and reveals His love, power, spirit, and glory.
I discovered and documented many other Types, most of which have not been chronicled until now. They are all very exciting because they confirm God's Final Act There will be deliverance from spiritual bondage like the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt. There will be deception as there was in Egypt, and after they left. Something hardly mentioned by Moses (no doubt to withhold giving credit to the evil one) was how the devil one succeeded in getting the children of Israel to turn against him and God, even after seeing God demonstrate His power and glory many times.
I maintain that the account of the children of Israel cannot be understood without acknowledging this element, viz. The deceiving spirits that empowered the false religion, magicians, and prophets in Egypt, followed the children of Israel and caused great chaos. This is a Type for the havoc that will exist even after God pours out His love, power, glory, and spirit at The Sign of Jesus' Coming.
The reality that the children of Israel were also in spiritual bondage (or sin) is a dynamic rarely discussed, but the apostle Paul did, in fact, identify what those sins were, and indeed, believers and non-believers alike are dealing with the same delusions today. The account of the children of Israel is both a mirror of who we are and, a looking glass for what we can expect to come.
It is a Warning Message, in great detail, that was designed by God thousands of years ago, for our generation "upon whom the ends of the world have come." (1Cor.10:11)
This title is also available on Kindle and Nook.