In the aftermath of the First World War Julia, a young Hungarian woman in Budapest, is working hard to contribute to the family's income.
In her late twenties Julia marries Sándor but then told by her doctor that she must not have children. Julia stubbornly ignores the advice and risks her life to have a son, Tommy.
In the following years and decades both mother and son are forced by circumstances to draw upon their determination, courage, wit and self-preservation to survive.
Tragedy and death, personal and emotional loss, the horrors he witnessed and experienced in WWII make Tommy an adult by the age of 10 and shape Tommy's character.
In the wake of the 1956 Hungarian uprising crushed by Soviet tanks he risks his life and escapes from Communism that has risen from the ashes of Fascism.
Working hard in a new country Tommy marries and they have a daughter, Jackie. Unexpected problems present themselves he has to cope with and he must take care of his aging mother.
From Budapest in the 'twenties, to London in the 'nineties, this is a family saga of three generations, ravaged by wars and adverse circumstances.
Ultimately, the story proves that there is always hope, even against seemingly insurmountable obstacles provided one has courage, resilience, mental stamina and a sense of humour.