Learn the tried-and-tested psychological methods that turn your resumé into a job offer generating machine. Imagine sending your resumé to a job posting and knowing, beyond all doubt, that it was the best application they'd receive.
Imagine getting more than double the number of positive responses to the job applications you're sending now.
Imagine getting multiple job offers and having the luxury of choosing which one to take.
Copywriting expert Pete Boyle shares his method for understanding what it is your potential employer wants to hear before using persuasive techniques to present it in a way recruiters cannot ignore.
Not in vague, confusing passages like "highlight your experience". But in concrete steps that turn those vague explanations into actionable steps that highlight you as the best candidate for any position.
This book explains exactly what you need to do to turn your resumé into an almost guaranteed job offer.
Pete's methods of writing persuasively have helped countless job searchers find their dream job and have generated millions of dollars in sales for his copywriting consulting clients.
In this book you'll learn...- The problem with resumé advice that's holding you (and countless others) back. How the advice you've heard is holding you back and the different approach that's guaranteed to capture recruiter attention.
- The psychological secrets of effective resumé design based on scientific studies. Using scientific studies you'll learn where recruiters attention is most focused.
- The super-simple method for more effective research. Knowing that a company is hiring isn't enough. You'll learn how to discover what particular traits, skills and achievements that business most highly values
- The step-by-step approach to turning your research into a targeted, compelling resumé - Knowing what a company wants and knowing how to demonstrate you fit their needs are two different skills. You'll learn how to quickly and easily establish yourself as the ideal candidate.
- Professional editing tips that turn bleh writing into instantly memorable sentences. Recruiters are busy. They don't have time to read through paragraph after paragraph of information. In this section you'll learn how to edit your resumé to make the same statement in as few words as possible for maximum impact.
- The final polish of your resumé. Tried and tested tips to check your resumé, ensure there's no errors, and guarantee it'll ge the kind of attention you deserve.
- Two Awesome Freebies. If you click the purchase button now you'll also get two awesome freebies. The first is a spreadsheet specifically designed to make the research and writing stage easier. The second is a free 5 part email course of over 5000 words that explains how to create an awesome cover letter to accompany your resumé.
A good resumé gets your foot in the door. It makes recruiters want to invite you to interview to you to find out more. It's the first, and most crucial, step in selling yourself as the best candidate for the job.
Together, we're going to transform your resumé and cover letter from a simple list of past duties into an achievement-focused, compelling letter that won't just get a response from recruiters, but will get the response you want. An invite to interview.
Click buy now to get this one-two resumé combo and land your dream job.